Monday 9 October 2023

Sonata 1708

I had a go at this one. I started out thinking it should be a heated discussion between two people where one was the boss giving the orders and the other taking them. But the one giving the orders got a bit over powering and this lead to a fall out. I hoped by the end they would have made up, and gone about their business. I am sorry, I did not like it.

I do like the idea of a conversation, After all that is what a sonata is about, a conversation between two musical ideas. A good conversation should flow, there will be times when one will interrupt the other, either disagree or agree!! and the conversation should ebb and flow between the two parties, and a variety in intensity and excitement.

The plan as it stands has two ideas one is C Lydian and the other in Dm. The Lydian section is more in your face. While the Dm section has a laid back, we will get there eventually feeling. It is also in an odd time 7 8, which I like to think of as an awkward 3 4 or 6 8 time. There is also a section that starts as the intro, and maybe could be used in bridges and turnarounds that sounds like a mess, or how I prefere to think of it at the moment as background noise. It is from this that the conversation can rise.

For final thoughts I have a felling I shy away from using all the instruments at once and tend to steer away from Forte. This piece should be a chance to drop my toe into theose waters. I am beginning to think that I try too hard to have a story, can the piece not just be about the music and the interaction of the two ideas? Or to put it another way a conversation between two ideas, and that interaction will let the magic happen.

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