Monday 18 December 2023


I need to start with a confession, I can’t find the score for this. I always start by making a file using the date as the working title, it is only after I have played about with an idea for a while that a title may come. I like to discover the character of the idea, and that takes time. I have tried to rush this stage, but if I don’t understand the character of the idea, I just don't know how to develop it.

This can be a problem in two ways, Sometimes I may like an idea as in the case of Awaken, but can’t see how to develop it, so it may wait on my hard drive until I go back to it (or not). Obviously this is a recipe to forget ideas. In that case I take the viewpoint that maybe the idea was not as good as I thought. Did you Know that George Gershwin, lost in a hotel room a note book containing over 40 new ideas. On finding out this Gershwin Just shrugged his shoulders. He believed he would come up with enough new ideas to replace the lost ones in a very short time.

Also, as the file title is a bit cold I find it hard to associate the title I come up with and the file I started out with. Things can get a little lost. Luckly I put Awaken in a folder in which I regularly access and play, but what can I do with it without staring again. I am now trying when I save in progress bits, to incorporate both file and working name (you live and learn).

I came up with Awaken, and I thought there is a good opening, but what next? I have a theory that if you get stuck on something let it go. You will either go back to it later with an answer or it will be dumped. Although I can only do work on one thing at a time, I like to have other ideas bubbling around in the background.

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