Wednesday 3 January 2024

Salty Five Eight

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Salty Five Eight is another of those awkward ones. It is a bit short but I like it. I would like to make it longer as I know it could be more. It is a piece I wrote a while ago, and I have learnt a lot since then. In other words it needs to go somewhere and mean something. Personally I think it lacks the harmonic drive and structure that would enable it to develop. So with this in mind I had a go at re-writing the harmony and altering the melody appropriately. Somehow it is still not what I am looking for. Believe me at this stage I have had several attempts at it and I have failed. I want more for one of my babies!

I do wonder if all this work has made me over familiar with it and any improvement I try just sounds wrong, because it is unfamiliar. For example I can’t hear it played any other instrument but a piano. Maybe by hearing it too often I have lost my objectivity with it? This relates to another problem, you come up with an idea, you like it, but what is it? Personally, I find, if I can not identify it, give it a name, I just don’t know where to go with it. If it has no identity, it has no life of it’s own. Sometimes I wonder if it is not easier to have an idea of what you want to say then come up with a melody that fits. That worked with the Character Pieces, but I wonder if in reality I was being selective in the characters I chose. Picked the lower fruit, but then as we all know practice makes perfect.

So for now I am going to publish it and move on. Maybe one day I will come back to it (again) or not. By publishing, it may not get forgotten. I think it deserves better than that.

Any Ideas??

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