Tuesday 9 January 2024

Crazy Dentist

Link to Score

The question of the day is, can you tell a story with just music or must you use words like a song? We all know music can enhance an emotion or express one like in film music, try watching a film without the music background and a lot of the emotional content disappears. I am also aware that many major events be them happy or sad are often connected to a piece of music. I am also certain that many pieces of music rely on their emotional impact on what we have been trained (or maybe better put conditioned) to understand as sad, happy etc. Then again not everyone makes the same emotional connection. Music can point to things like marching music implies military. There are long standing theories that different keys represent different shades of emotion.

But emotions are not stories.

So the question remains can you tell a story with music or do you need hints either verbal written or pictures to set you on the right path. Well Crazy Dentist is an attempt to tell a story in music.

You may want to hear the music before reading on

Main Points

  • Bored sitting in the Dentist waiting room. There is always a hint of fear here, the sound of the drill. The anticipation of what is to come.
  • The dentist comes in and after greetings, invites you into his surgery. Although he is polite you get a sense of something.
  • As he works on your teeth things get more intense. That dark undercurrent seems to grow.
  • When it is over you want to get the hell out of there.
  • But you need another appointment.

Please bear in mind I think all dentist are a little crazy. If you look at the score you will see a laugh that I use now and again. I just can not understand why they do what they do. I once asked a dentist this question and he told me it was all about the money.

I would love to know, good or bad, what you think.

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