Monday 2 October 2023

Sonata 2509

This started out using a couple of ideas I had. I like to spent a bit of time working with ideas, so that I have a few variations ready. One of the ideas is Bartok in nature and the other has fairly standard harmony. There is as a bridge come turnabout that is completely different. It is based on a Phrygian Dominant scale uses quartal harmony It sounds like a mixture of chaos and string puppets. Together they can make a Sonata Form.

I am trying to discipline myself so that when I get to this stage, I take the time to listen to the music, and think about what I am going to do. What dose it say to me? It is great having these ideas but I want them to mean something. Maybe this is a dance as the wind moves the branches of a tree.

I know that the Phrygian Dominant scale is a little out there, compared to what was before. Not only dose it add a little tension (not a bad thing) but it opens the door to changing the key to B flat Harmonic Minor. A Shade of darkness in music is never a bad idea. It also adds the opportunity of developing the texture of that . Transposing some of the ideas I was going to use in this section, may take us somewhere else. We shall see.

So here I am with the bare bones of something, but I need to take the time to note down a few thoughts. The melody is fine but the main decisions are what I want to do with it and how to manipulate the harmony to achieve my goals. It is good to write down those goals to see if you are successful. I kind of like the idea of a breeze through branches which kind of implies lightness. Remember the breeze will fluctuate in strength.


  1. I like the tune
  2. Not sure about clarinet, maybe use Viola for melodic contrast
  3. Needs Piano
  4. Can hear darkness in development section but it dose not sound eastern
  5. Just before take up to Phrygian Bit needs work, needs not be like the wind working on the branches. Thicken the texture could be the wind strengthening.
  6. Dynamics need to sway like the branches, especially the harmony
  7. Recapitulation what is it about
  8. Ending is abrupt

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