Monday, 16 October 2023

If Possible Again

So, if you are following the story so far (if not try this ). I was far from happy with the second version of this piece. Although it did stir a thought about what it would sound like, all by itself on a Classical Guitar.

So I returned to Musecore, moved the bass line onto another voice in the guitar. Then I run the Midi output through Garageband (I think it has the better Classical Guitar) and here is the result. I like it a lot more. The piece loves being on the guitar, I think it is a Prima Donna and likes the attention of being out there alone. As usual there are one or two places that I think needs more work.

  1. The middle section needs a bit more depth and harmony
  2. The repeat after the middle section needs a contrasting arrangement

All in all it is not bad, perhaps we are getting there at last. This opens up a new question, weather it is playable in this form, and for that reason there is no score to download at present. The only way forward for me at this point, is to learn the piece on a guitar and see what happens. I have a bad memory so that may take some time, but it will be worth the effort, as I may even get a definitive version that I like. You never know, it may even help me to overcome my reluctance to record things and do an actual recording of the piece.

On the other hand, I may find other things that I may want to return too. I suppose that is all part of the fun of it. Although I am beginning to wonder if the answer to the question of when is something finished, lies between never and when you get fed up with something and decide to move on. Even then you can still reserve the right to come back to it at a later date.

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