Monday 23 October 2023


Link to Score

This has not been the easiest (see earlier post) of pieces to write. After the last try I went back to the drawing board, or to the plan as I call it. I re-Orchestrated it again. If that is a word. I much prefer the result. I decided to call it Conversation, I ditched the idea of an argument. There is an opportunity to write a piece called argument, but that is for another day. It is definitely better than previous, it shows what can happen, by just letting it happen. Although if I am honest I am still not entirely happy.

I experimented more with louder and softer bits, and it improved no end. This is definitely something I need to work on, as maybe I can be a little shy on volume. Sudden changes in volume can be very effective, building momentum. While building up to a final climax bit by bit in waves over time is an important skill to perfect.

It have decided to give up on Musecore 4 for the moment, the final result is through Garage-Band and Spitfire audio. This is a learning process and I think for the want of a better word I need a protocol for when I am ready to hear something like the finished product.

The Timpani was an after thought. If you listen to the plan other wise known as Sonata 1708 the start is very rhythmic. The Orchestral instruments I used, did not give the same effect. I was trying to start out with a babble of conversation out of which one rather bold voice rises. Then of course another speaks and we have a conversation. Well that’s what I am hoping to put over.

There is plenty to think about here

  1. Not sure if I got the interaction right
  2. Need to think more about the sound that suites the music
  3. Need to work on a plan so that I can export things yet still go back.
  4. Need a system so that I know when the score was extracted.
  5. Volume

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