Monday 13 November 2023

Mr Boundary

Link to Score

The next instalment in my series of character themes, is Mr Bounderby. This person can be found in a book by Charles Dickens called Hard Times. The book itself is set in Industrial North England in Victorian Times. One of it’s major themes is black and white decisions, Utilitarian ideas where something is either right or wrong, there is no grey area in between. In the book Mr Bounderby was a factory owner who belonged very much to this school of thought. To me Mr Bounderby was a pompous ass who would listen to nobody and had an unfailing belief that he was always right. To himself and all who would listen he was a self made man from humble origins.

I could see him in my minds eye him marching around the town, pumped up and fall of his own self importance. With no a thought for anyone worse off than himself. He was not a character I had any sympathy for, nor did Dickens for that matter. So I tried to catch that in my music hence the use of a tuba as the lower line. To me the tuba has a thump thump sound that ignores all around it. Great for a bass line, that needs to be heard. I picked the vibraphone for the main melody as it is has a light tapping sound. I think this not only signifies his attitude and to my way of thinking, his attitude stinks.

The result I think is a great theme for marching around town, totally full of yourself, totally oblivious to what is around you. The whole thing together sounds like a headless chicken on the march, relentless. With that underlying feeling of a pompous ass at work. I think I got this one right.

Again this was taken straight from Muscore3.

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