Tuesday 23 January 2024

Sunny Day in Ireland

Link to Score

This is my attempt to convey some of the things I feel on a summers day. I have a conflict one one side there is a laziness, sit back and enjoy the day. While on the other I feel I should get out and enjoy the day. I mean here in Ireland we do not get many sunny days, you do not want to waste them especially if you are not at work, but how? Do you go mad put your life in your own hands and actually do something outside. The options range from gardening to actually going to the beech. We are lucky here in Ireland there are many unspoilt and beautiful beeches, not far from my home. Or do you stay at home, like a coward, just in case the weather changes?

When I first came up with the tune it felt as if something was stirring, it may have helped that while I was working on it the sun was shinning all day everyday. I remember sitting in my garden and humming the tune, it just felt so apt.

It has a funny instrumentation Piano, Cello, Oboe, flue and Bassoon and this version uses Garage-band Instruments. It has made me think again about using the BBC Symphonic plug in because the more I hear it the more mushy and heavy the overall effect is. It hides some of the things I am putting into the music. Don’t get me wrong it has a very rich sound but I suspect the problem may lay with me. Perhaps I need to work more at the mixing stage. I just prefer the lighter sound you have here, I think you can hear the subtleties far better. For my money it is these bits that bring the piece to life.

Personally I think this works and I like this.

Having said all this to myself perhaps I need to revisit Buterchurn Drive.

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