Sunday 24 September 2023


Bartók Béla

Pilgab at hu.wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Common

Bela Bartok was a composer that wrote music that employed a lot of dissonance. To enable Erno Lendaval to be able to analyse his work, he developed a system called Axis System.

See This Video from Milton Mermikides on You Tube.

My take on this is the cords can be laid out as in the table below.

1 C A F# Eb
2 G E C# Bb
3 D B G#/Ab F

Assuming we want to create tension then resolve, if we make a particular group tonic. We have for a three cord melody the below ways of moving through.

Tonic Sub Dominant Dominant
1 3 2
2 1 3
3 2 1

If for example you use 1 – 3 - 2 from first column you get a standard Jazz II V I.

Some of the other possible combinations are

C – E - B Where C is the tonic, E the sub Dominant and B the dominant.

C – F – C#

There are many more.

Also bear in mind cords can be minor or major. I personally think that Dominant Cords work best. That could be the Blues lover in me coming out.

Take the time to go over this and watch Milton Mermikides Video again, because this system opens up a whole new World of possibilities.


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